Since 1990, Earth Day has been a global celebration focused on treating our shared home with respect and taking climate action for future generations. Earth is not just a floating rock, after all – it’s the home to humans, wildlife, plants, and millions of integral parts of our shared ecosystem. Sadly, over the course of modern civilization, it hasn’t been treated with much respect, which is why every April 22nd we come together to recognize Earth Day.

Climate change affects everyone, but that impact isn’t always equal. Unfortunately, those who feel the repercussions of climate change at the highest rates are folks who live in underserved communities; access to housing, clean water, and arable land require resources that poorer communities often lack. But small businesses in green technology are doing their part to help solve the problem.

The Green Tech Solution

Green technology is a crucial tool that is part of bridging the equity gap in our fight against climate change. But what exactly is green tech? We’ve written about it before, but if you need a refresh, green tech ranges from software to a connected device can encompasses everything from connected agriculture tools to IoT sensors that help with waste reduction and everything in between. These innovations are built to help users have a more sustainable, technology driven solution to lower our energy use, reduce the cost of living, and work towards a more equitable environment (literally).

Learn more about some of the app-solutely amazing green technology small businesses are creating below!

  •  Agromovil is a simple-to-use, app-based platform that directly connects small farmers to buyers, improving the farm-to-market system and generating data to support the world’s 570m small farms. They primarily work in Africa and South America. Their app allows for consumers to get fresher produce, while the farmers spend less time looking and waiting for buyers. This drives down the cost of produce and allows consumers to eat healthier and fresher food.
  • Greenly is a Carbon Management platform that helps businesses hit net zero status. They provide ways to measure carbon footprint and the impact of a business’s products and processes to decarbonize a business’s purchases and portfolio. They also provide businesses with a Net Zero Contributor Certificate when they achieve the net zero goals.

Final Thoughts

Innovation has a direct relationship with sustainability and economic equality and while so much good can be done in the world of green tech, we must ensure these solutions are accessible and do not further the inequities outlined above.

On one hand, green tech innovation has the potential to close equity gaps while also creating a more sustainable environment. On the other, the production and accessibility factors of these solutions have been known to widen some equity gaps. In an effort to avoid widening these gaps, we must empower diverse STEM, STEAM, and workforce development programs so our green tech solutions can be inclusive to folks across varying racial and socioeconomic backgrounds.

Empowering underserved and underrepresented communities with green technology solutions is one of many steps that need to be taken when tackling the climate crisis. We’re proud to work with and for our members mindfully innovating in the green tech space!