Over the past eight years, the app industry has grown to a $120 billion economy, providing a platform for new companies and job creation throughout the nation. This success is felt in every part of the country as more than three-quarters of the top-earning app companies come from outside Silicon Valley.

The widespread availability of broadband infrastructure and low barriers of entry in the app industry create conditions where app makers can succeed from anywhere.

In fact, our most recent research found that 13 percent of the top-earning apps are made in communities outside large metropolitan areas. These are companies like education app maker Mathway from Center Valley, PA and Needham, MA-based medication adherence company, Montuno Software.

But, there is still a great need for more widespread access to broadband infrastructure for innovators in rural areas.

Alert to these concerns, Senators Shaheen and Vitter introduced the Small Business Broadband and Emerging Information Technology Enhancement Act of 2015 today. The bill is set to improve programs of the Small Business Administration to better assist small business customers in accessing broadband technology.

Since broadband and wireless internet are essential for both app makers and consumers, expanding access to these resources within underserved communities will greatly contribute to economic growth and job creation. The App Association is proud to lend support for the Broadband and Emerging Information Technology Enhancement Act, and work with the Senators to create more opportunity for technology companies in rural areas.


Image: Andrew Hart / license / no changes made