Executive Director of the Association for Competitive Technology Morgan Reed issued a statement today in support of steps proposed by the Register of Copyrights to initiate a review of intellectual property law.

ACT applauds the Register of Copyrights for recognizing the need to review intellectual property law in the evolving environment of the digital economy. With content delivery now occurring on a wide range of consumer devices in a mobile setting, new copyright issues are emerging that will have a profound impact on the technology industry.

The mobile app industry is experiencing dramatic growth creating more than half a million jobs in its five years of existence. Innovation in this space occurs rapidly and the importance of copyright protection is becoming more pronounced. The marketplace is poised to reach $20 billion in revenues, but the sharp increase in app piracy threatens the future of the mobile ecosystem. We look forward to working with Congress, the Register of Copyrights, and other stakeholders to address this serious problem confronting our industry.