App Analytics company, Flurry, came out with the results of a study about the changing dynamics of app revenue and uncovered some interesting details about the impact small app companies are having on the overall ecosystem. Studying revenue data, Flurry sought to determine how much the top ranked apps accounted for total sales.  While two years ago the apps in the top 100 netted more than half of total industry revenues, the latest figures show that percentage shrinking dramatically to less than one-third.  The smaller companies’ success highlights the how much growth is taking place in the marketplace. It is also a testament to the success startups are having targeting their apps to niche markets. We’ve seen projections from research firms that the app industry will continue its exponential growth. Flurry’s data showing the revenue strength of companies beyond the top hundred earners suggest those predictions might not be far off.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]