I’m heading to Poland this weekend to speak at the Krynica Economic Forum, the most prominent public policy conference for Central and Eastern  Europe. ACT is sponsoring a daylong session on public policy and innovation, on which I’ve organized four panels:

  • Localizing the Lisbon Strategy – How to Cultivate Innovation Ecosystems
  • Open, Closed or Somewhere In-Between? The Future of ICT and Software Innovation
  • Copyrights and Patents – Incentives for (or Barriers to) Innovation Creation?
  • Distributing Your Innovation: Avoiding Trade Barriers in a Flat World

We’re fortunate to have some top-notch speakers, including the Vice-President of the European Commission Gunter Verheugen, the Assistant Director of the World Intellectual Property Organization Francis Gurry, prominent open source advocate Larry Rosen, and Federico Etro, a professor at the University of Milan and President of Intertic (an International Think-tank on Innovation and Competition).

"Do Napisania" w Polsce (I’ll be writing from Poland),
