The New York Times claims that “the idea of all ads, all the time, is gaining some favor. One reason is the proliferation of broadband Internet connections, which make it easier for computer users to watch or download video clips. That is enabling media companies, agencies and advertisers to create Web sites devoted to commercials and other forms of advertising for amusement, rather than hard-core huckstering.”

In a different article, the New York Times writes that an error in Skype’s software shut down its phone service for much of the day Thursday, “leaving its 220 million users, some of them small businesses that had given up their landlines, without a way to call colleagues, customers and friends.”

Yahoo!News reports that “SCO Group president and CEO Darl McBride told the business software developer’s customers that he’s ‘disappointed’ in a court’s rejection of SCO’s ownership claims over the Unix operating system. […] [I]n a letter to customers, a copy of which was filed Thursday with the Securities and Exchange Commission […] McBride said the Utah federal court ruling by Judge Dale Kimball does not change his belief that SCO in 1995 acquired full ownership of Unix through an asset transfer agreement with Novell.”

According to Slashdot, "Microsoft has announced the release of Windows Live ID Web Authentication. This means that WLID (formerly known as Passport) is now opened to third party websites to use as their authentication system.” Reuters reports that “Nokia said on Friday it had asked the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) to bar the import of some Qualcomm Inc chipsets to the United States, alleging they are infringing five Nokia patents."

Reuters reports that “Nokia said on Friday it had asked the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) to bar the import of some Qualcomm Inc chipsets to the United States, alleging they are infringing five Nokia patents.”