According to the Washington Post, “

[t]he flood of pirated movies and other goods from China is growing despite increased enforcement, two U.S. business groups said Thursday, appealing to Beijing for tougher action.  […]  Beijing’s anti-piracy activity ‘is either not enough or not of the right kind,’ the American Chamber of Commerce in China and the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai said in a report released on International Intellectual Property Day.”

In an article entitled “Congress Gets Competitive With Bills”, reports that “[d]rawing wide support from Democrats and Republicans, the Senate approved legislation dramatically increasing federal funding for research. The bill also seeks to jump start a revival of student interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) programs from elementary to graduate schools.”

The International Herald Tribune reports that “AOL expanded to India on Thursday with one of its first portals targeting Asia’s growing online population.” writes that nine months after Dell first voluntary recalled Sony-made notebook battery packs, “Acer  will recall some 27,000 notebooks that also contained those same lithium-ion batteries.”

In a different article, points out that “Microsoft will release the feature-complete, third beta for Windows Server ‘Longhorn’ on April 25, which is also the first public beta of the software.”