Yahoo!News warns that “

[a] huge virus surge of a new Storm Worm variant is flooding e-mail inboxes and evading many antivirus programs. In my tests of 31 programs, only four reported a virus.”

According to, “[t]he world’s biggest music companies are expected to ask Apple to introduce a music subscription service to its iTunes digital media store as part of negotiations to renew their agreements with the computer company.”

In another Apple story, the International Herald Tribune reports that Apple “is delaying the introduction of the new version of its flagship Macintosh OS X operating system as much as four months because of quality issues.”

In an interesting article entitled “Net reaches out to final frontier”, BBC News writes that “[a] programme to kick-start the use of internet communications in space has been announced by the US government.”

Finally, Yahoo!News reports that  “CBS Corp. will distribute its television programs more widely over the Internet, adding new deals with Joost, Microsoft Corp.’s MSN and AOL LLC to existing agreements with Apple Inc.’s iTunes and Google Inc.’s YouTube.”