The New York Times reports that while the growth rate for legal music downloading services is far higher than that for illegal ones, “the average peer-to-peer household still downloads far more songs. Peer-to-peer networks yielded five billion downloads in 2006, whereas 509 million songs were downloaded from iTunes-style services.”

The Register gives you ten solid reasons why you should upgrade to Windows Vista.

In a different article, the Register writes that “

[m]ore than half the UK adult population now has broadband internet access at home, according to data released today by communications regulator Ofcom.”  The Register points out that “[f]igures from the European Commission last week showed that the UK was second only to the Netherlands for home broadband penetration.”

According to, “Microsoft is loosening the reins on Vista licensing in an effort to let businesses try out some new computing possibilities, including ‘diskless’ PCs.”

The Wall Street Journal reports that “, the No. 2-ranked news Web site behind Yahoo News, is starting its first branding ad campaign this week. Instead of selling itself as a ‘breaking news’ destination, as it once did, the site is trying to highlight the range of news and entertainment it offers."