The International Herald Tribune points out that “

[p]lagued by a backlog of applications, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office now guarantees speedier reviews for companies willing to do some extra work up front.”

The Register reports that in the aftermath of the Registerfly scandal, “ICANN has finally acknowledged publicly that it is in fact responsible for ensuring that accredited registrars live up to their responsibilities in the Registrar Accreditation Agreements (RAA)” and “is actually trying to help people out of this mess.” 

Slashdot writes that “Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr. of Utah reportedly plans to sign a resolution urging Congress to enact the Internet Community Ports Act. The ICPA proposes that online content be divided by port, rather like TVs have channels with adult and family content, so that certain internet ports will be ‘clean’ — so-called Community Ports — and others will be ‘dirty.’”

According to PC Magazine, “YouTube is Google’s Waterloo—a major strategic mistake that will take the bloom off of Google’s ‘Do No Evil’ rose.”

Not all news is bad for Google, though – the BBC reports that “[p]rivacy bodies have welcomed Google’s decision to anonymise personal data it receives from users’ web searches.”