According to the Seattle Times, “[w]hile hewing to a neutral line, the Bush administration signaled Monday it was prepared to give a sympathetic hearing to complaints by business about the laws and rules born of the 2002 scandals and to consider possible policy changes.”

The Washington Post has an interesting article on a new way to bring high-speed internet access to consumers, writing that a coalition of big technology companies, including Microsoft and Google, wants regulators to allow idle TV channels, known as white space, to be used to beam the Internet into homes and offices.

Yahoo!News reports that “[c]heap or free registration of new domain names drives the growth in Web sites used for spamming or hosting malicious software, according to research from McAfee.”

The Register writes that innovation is vital to the success of SMEs, which “risk going out of business if they fail to invest in research and development (R&D).”

According to Reuters, “AT&T Inc. said on Tuesday it will invest more than $750 million in 2007 to accelerate the delivery of global Internet Protocol services and solutions to businesses and multinational companies in key markets worldwide.”