In an article on the European Commission’s latest actions against Microsoft, reports that “

[a]t least one prominent European jurist said Microsoft may be the victim of anti-American bias.”

According to, “[t]he Bush administration has accelerated its Internet surveillance push by proposing that Web sites must keep records of who uploads photographs or videos in case police determine the content is illegal and choose to investigate.”

The Mercury News has an interesting article entitled “A downside of globalization: overseas patent disputes” which talks about the tendency of foreign regulators not to enforce intellectual property laws when doing so would hurt domestic companies. 

ZDNet writes that even though “Microsoft’s deal with Novell to resell SUSE Linux may be controversial, […] it’s looking like a boon for Novell. In fact, it’s just about the only bright spot that Novell has right now”, with overall revenues having declined 5% and only the Linux business surging.   

The Washington Post reports that “[r]ural telephone companies must allow carriers such as Verizon Communications to use local lines to connect Internet-based calls, U.S. regulators said yesterday.”