According to Business Week online, “in recent days, two titans of the Internet have warned” that any effort to insure net neutrality by prohibiting network operators to charge for premium service “could cripple the future of the Net”. reports that “Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and Vodafone have announced an agreement with human rights groups, internet freedom activists and others to establish a set of principles covering how they deal with censorship and other restrictions that could harm human rights in China and elsewhere.” writes that Opti, “

[t]he Mountain View, Calif., maker of controller chips for PCs and LCD monitors has filed a patent infringement lawsuit against Apple, claiming the IT giant has been unfairly using Opti technology in its Macintosh line and its Xserve servers.” has an interesting article in which nine U.S. leaders offer their opinions on what the U.S. should do to hold onto its braintrust and stay on the cutting edge of innovation. 

According to the Mercury News, “Yahoo was set to launch a new personal finance section on its Web site this morning in a bid to capture a larger share of one of the most lucrative areas of online advertising”.