The Seattle Times reports that “Nortel Networks Corp. and Microsoft Corp. together rolled out a raft of products and services on Wednesday aimed at delivering business communications over software and Internet networks”.

According to Reuters, “European Union investigators have recommended that Competition Commissioner Neelie Kroes formally charge Intel Corp. with thwarting competition in the computer-chip market”. writes that David Gross and John Kneuer, two senior Bush administration officials involved in setting Net policy, believe that “tensions related to the United States’ historic influence over key Internet management functions

[are] a thing of the past”.

Also in, Eric J. Sinrod points out that “[e]mployees telecommuting from home for work is becoming a fact of life in the Internet age. Employers are embracing such arrangements, such that they now are beginning to reimburse employees for the Internet services they use at home for work purposes.”

According to ZDNet, “Sun is planning to attack Red Hat, as well as Oracle, claiming that the leading open source Linux company is under-serving customers and that Solaris can do the job better.”