According to the Register, “European Commissioner Charlie McCreevy has warned that efforts to establish the pan-European Patent Litigation Agreement (EPLA) are in danger of coming to naught, after the agreement failed to secure the support of national governments on Monday.”

Wired News points out that even though “Europe’s elected officials have made a lot of noise about ambitious projects to switch to open source software,

[…] their rhetoric has not turned into a mass migration away from Windows.” reports that “[f]orty-seven companies—more than half of which are U.S.-based and 19 of which are IT-focused—were awarded status as Technology Pioneers 2007” by the World Economic Forum, a Geneva-based independent organization, on Dec. 4.

CNet reveals that “IBM has sued Platform Solutions, which aims to sell servers that will run software designed for Big Blue’s mainframes, alleging patent infringement and breach of contract.”

NetworkWorld writes that “the IEEE Higher Speed Study Group has decided to pursue 100Gbps as its objective for the next speed for Ethernet.”