Yahoo!News has an interesting article on Net Neutrality.  According to Yahoo!, “[w]hile this past year, AT&T and Verizon pursued both national and state legislation, they now seem determined to focus on state legislation as a way to bypass Net Neutrality requirements.  This month they focused on Michigan, yet they’ll quickly realize they’ll face opposition in the states as well.”

According to the International Herald Tribune, the Dutch have decided to postpone levying a copyright tax on digital music players and hard-disk video recorders.  A Dutch industry group said today that it would wait for the European Commission to first make a recommendation on the issue.   

In an unrelated story, the International Herald Tribune writes that a debate has ensued over the effectiveness of the One Laptop Per Child project.  The approach has stirred criticism mainly for its focus on getting equipment to students rather than issues like teacher training and curriculum. reports that Richard Stallman, the leader of the FSF (Free Software Foundation), said at the fifth international GPLv3 conference in Tokyo last week that the Microsoft-Novell agreement is not in violation of the GPL version 2.

Computerworld features a Q&A with Novell CEO Ron Hovsepian in which he talks about Novell’s rationale for entering into an agreement with Microsoft.