The Association for Competitive Technology (“ACT”) hereby submits its comments on the Revised Proposed Final Judgment (“RPFJ”) that has been proposed by most of the plaintiffs, including the United States, and defe ndant Microsoft Corporation. ACT is a trade association representing some 3,000 information technology (“IT”) companies, including Microsoft, on a number of issues important to the industry. ACT’s mission is to promote a vibrant, competitive IT industry and a vibrant IT marketplace in which consumers, not the government, pick winners and losers. Because ACT believes that, on balance, the RPFJ will be good for both the industry and consumers, it supports the RPFJ. ACT also opposes the radical proposals advanced by the remaining plaintiffs because they would harm the industry and serve no other purpose than to advance the interests of such Microsoft rivals as Sun Microsystems, Oracle, and AOL Time Warner.

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