In response to today’s passage of the STEM Education Act of 2015 by the House of Representatives, ACT | The App Association Executive Director Morgan Reed released the following statement:

We are pleased to see the House pass the STEM Education Act of 2015 with overwhelming bipartisan support. The bill adds computer science to the definition of STEM education for federal purposes, meaning federal education programs will be better aligned with the needs of the booming tech industry in the United States.

Our colleges and universities have been producing far fewer computer science graduates than what is needed to meet the demand for software developers and app makers. For the United States to remain a global leader in technology and innovation, our students must be equipped with computer science skills from a young age. The STEM Education Act is a good start to ensure that happens.

The bill is sponsored by House Science, Space and Technology Committee Chairman Rep. Lamar Smith.


Image: Thomas Hawk / license / no changes made