The Seattle Times has an interesting article today entitled “Schools need to master Intellectual Property.”  The article’s author, Brier Dudley, talks about spending time on Monday with computational biology pioneer Leeroy Hood, who warned that “universities aren’t

[…] sophisticated [enough] about managing intellectual property”, resulting in them being “incredibly conservative, incredibly careful, unwilling to do things that would make sense.”  According to Hood, “[i]t’s one of the big problems that most academic institutions really face.” 

Yahoo!News reports that “, an organization founded to combat malware (which it calls ‘badware’), has released a list of the top five hosting services in its ‘Badware Website Clearinghouse.’"

According to The Wall Street Journal, “France’s Dailymotion SA says it will begin blocking users from putting pirated clips on its video-sharing site by using so-called fingerprinting technology from Audible Magic Corp.  The move represents an effort by closely-held Dailymotion, a popular site accessed by users around the world, to distance itself from the uploading and viewing of clips from TV shows and movies without their copyright holders’ permission.” today discusses “[w]hy Joost landed the big funding dollars.” writes that “Yahoo is hiring two scientists in the areas of economics and sociology to head up its research in online markets and social networks.”