Who We Are:
ACT | The App Association is a global policy trade association for small and medium-sized technology companies. We work with and for our members to promote a policy environment that rewards and inspires innovation while providing resources that help them raise capital, create jobs, and continue to build incredible technology.
Who You Are:
The App Association’s members are the entrepreneurs, innovators, and independent developers within the global app ecosystem that engage with verticals across every industry. Our members are the small companies creating the technology that plays a key role in powering the digital infrastructure of our lives. If you are a developer, an entrepreneur, a startup, a venture, an organization that supports small business, or if you just want to learn more about the intersection of technology and policy, join us – we’d love to hear from you!
What We Do:
We harness our small business members’ passion for building great products and services and leverage the power of storytelling through meetings, policy analysis, and testimony to educate policymakers on issues critical to our members and the app economy. The App Association works with sponsors like Amazon, Apple, Continental, Intel, Verisign, and Verizon to provide a no-cost membership for the small and medium-sized businesses that want to be involved in advocacy and have their voice heard when it is all too often ignored. Our policy priorities reflect the opportunities and challenges today’s small business app developers and Internet of Things (IoT) innovators face in the app ecosystem, including access to broadband, workforce development, and economic growth. We also contribute our thought leadership to broader issues affecting our members and consumers like data privacy, digital healthcare, intellectual property, and accessibility.
How We Work Together:
Advocacy – The App Association connects you directly to the policymakers impacting your business via letter writing campaigns, petitions, briefings for policy staff and in-person meetings. By leveraging the power of your storytelling, we educate policymakers on the potential consequences and impact of potential legislation for small tech companies and help craft better policies and regulations. We work to amplify the small business perspective in policy discussions locally, federally, and internationally, and connect you to media outlets across the globe looking to hear directly from small companies innovating in the app economy.
Community – Our member community is the central pillar of the App Association. We connect our members with one another at events, both virtual and in-person, in D.C., Brussels, and across the globe. We host events that highlight emerging tech hubs and help educate app makers and innovators at every stage. We also work to connect you with our industry experts to help answer questions about challenges you may encounter while growing your company, getting into app stores quickly and efficiently, building a brand, securing funding, and awareness of regulations that will affect your business.
Resources – Whether you have questions about health technology and policy, education, intellectual property, or third-party toolkits, we have an endless supply of information, resources, and experts to help guide you to the best solutions for your business. Our team keeps you updated on pressing policy issues and market trends across the globe through timely news bulletins, social channels, and events.
Interested in learning more or becoming a member of The App Association? Click here!
Featured Members
Developed: The App Economy Tour- Atlanta, GA.
On October 10, 2019, ACT | The App Association visited Monday Night Brewing Garage, an [...]
Developed: The App Economy Tour- St. Louis, MO.
On February 20, 2020, ACT | The App Association visited The Schlafly Tap Room, a [...]
Developed: The App Economy Tour- Santa Monica, CA.
On February 4, 2020, ACT | The App Association visited The Dude’s Brewery, a Santa [...]
Developed: The App Economy Tour- Oakland, CA.
On February 6, 2020, ACT | The App Association visited Ghost Town Brewing, an Oakland, [...]
Developed: The App Economy Tour- New York City, NY.
On September 19, 2019, ACT | The App Association visited Our New York/Vodka, a New [...]
Developed: The App Economy Tour- New Orleans, LA.
On January 23, 2020, ACT | The App Association visited Port Orleans Brewing Co., a [...]
Developed: The App Economy Tour- Houston, TX.
On February 13, 2020, ACT | The App Association visited 8th Wonder Distillery, a Houston, [...]
Developed: The App Economy Tour- Charleston, SC.
On December 17, 2019, ACT | The App Association visited Edmund’s Oast, a Charleston, South [...]
Developed: The App Economy Tour- Boulder, Co.
On October 8, 2019, ACT | The App Association visited Upslope Brewing Company, a Boulder, [...]
Developed: The App Economy Tour- Providence, R.I.
On September 12, 2019, ACT | The App Association visited Tech Collective, a Providence, Rhode [...]
Developed | The App Economy Tour One Night Only – Coming to a City Near You
What’s Going On? – Marvin Gaye On Thursday, September 12, ACT | The App Association [...]
Developed: Mid-Tour Check-In
Developed | The App Economy Tour is a series of events that brings entrepreneurs, [...]