
Where in the World is ACT | The App Association?

  The app economy is global, and so are we! Throughout June, ACT | The App Association’s membership team will be back on the road hosting events worldwide. Learn more about where we’re going and what we’re doing below, and make sure to RSVP or reach out if we’re coming to a city near you. June 5: The Housewarming, Presented by Zillow in Washington, DC Join Alex, Brad, Emma, and our friends at Zillow for a happy hour focused on [...]

Checking in on the Box Checkers: House Committee Reports on Regulation’s Effect on Small Biz

A couple of weeks ago, more than 50 ACT | The App Association members traveled to DC to share their perspectives on the top policy issues on their minds today. At the top of that list? The Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC’s) recent actions to eliminate mergers and acquisitions (M&A). More broadly, our mission is to ensure that the government accounts for small business perspectives and we applaud the House Small Business Committee’s recent report on how well (or poorly) federal [...]

Event Recap: AppCon 2024

Each year, members of ACT | The App Association fly into DC for four days of policy education and advocacy on Capitol Hill. This year, AppCon was particularly special; it's been five years since our last full-scale and in-person conference, and the biggest one yet! With more than 50 members from 41 member companies, we brought back all the traditional elements of AppCon. This included a full briefing day on our key policy priorities, a day on the Hill meeting with congressional offices, [...]

The Booksellers’ Motion in FTC v. Amazon Highlights the FTC’s Anti-Small Business Antitrust Activity

In anticipation of the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC’s) response to the American Bookseller Association’s (ABA’s) motion to intervene in its case against Amazon today, Morgan Reed, president of ACT | The App Association, released the following statement: “The Booksellers’ motion to intervene in this case is just the latest example of how incoherent and anti-small business the FTC’s campaign against curated online marketplaces has been. “The Booksellers’ central assertion is that Amazon kept book prices too low. Of course, the [...]

Ahead of Thursday’s Scheduled Markup of the American Privacy Rights Act of 2024, ACT | The App Association Calls for Increased Protections for Small Businesses

On Thursday, the U.S. House Subcommittee on Innovation, Data, and Commerce is scheduled to markup three bills, including the American Privacy Rights Act of 2024 authored by Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) and Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA). In response to this development, Morgan Reed, President of ACT | The App Association, released the following statement: “Last week, more than 50 entrepreneurs from 30 states, all members of the App Association, sat down with lawmakers on Capitol Hill to push for [...]

Decoding SEP Licensing: A Comprehensive Guide for the IoT and AI Revolutions

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and policymakers alike often find the standard-essential patent (SEP) licensing landscape to be a difficult, dense, and confusing topic to understand. However, as the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) ecosystems continue to develop a new set of standards to build on, it is crucial that stakeholders in the public and private sectors increase their understanding of SEP licensing issues. Below is a breakdown of some important SEP licensing concepts and a glossary [...]

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