
Coding a Recap Missed ACT | The App Association’s “Coding a Career” event at LSU? Never fear, our recap is here!

At the end of March, ACT | The App Association co-hosted an event at Louisiana State University (LSU) titled “Coding a Career,” focused on giving students actionable insight around how to turn their computer science skills, interest in the app economy, and general curiosity about entrepreneurship into a career. The event, which included two panel discussions and a keynote address from Veneeth Iyengar, the first executive director for broadband development and connectivity for the state of Louisiana, kicked off with [...]

Give Small Developers A Chance, Not Higher Barriers to Entry

Open and fair competition in the digital marketplace drives our members’ success, but the proposals in the Open App Markets Act will hinder our small business members’ opportunity for continued prosperity. When the largest sellers on the app stores, with multi-billion-dollar valuations, come to Congress with proposals to reshape the mobile marketplace to suit their needs, policymakers should be rather skeptical. We urge Congress not to sacrifice consumers' most important privacy and security protections--and with them, the competitive prospects of [...]

The Utah Consumer Privacy Act is Here: What Developers Need to Know

As lawmakers continue to debate the merits of passing comprehensive privacy legislation at the state level, something of a pattern is taking shape in legislative chambers around the country. While the turning of the legislative calendar each year seems to bring the potential for a massive overhaul of the privacy landscape, legislators have achieved only modest reforms to date. That dynamic is perhaps most emblemized by the Washington Privacy Act (WPA), a bill introduced in four consecutive legislative sessions only [...]

Amicus Curiae Brief Submitted in Epic Games, Inc. v. Apple Inc: Epic’s proposed remedy would be disastrous for small developers

Today, ACT | The App Association released a statement from president Morgan Reed regarding its amicus curiae brief submitted to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in Epic Games, Inc. v. Apple Inc.: “The problem with Epic’s case from the very beginning was the blatant disregard for small developers. Epic’s CEO admitted under oath that he did not know or consider the impact on smaller developers, and that he would have simply taken a deal if it [...]

Consumers Have Concerns About Innovation and Technology Licencing in the UK, Study Shows

(LONDON) 31 March 2022 — Today, ACT | The App Association released the results of a study demonstrating that less than half of respondents believe the UK is ahead of other countries when it comes to producing innovative technology, products, and services. The study, executed by Portland Communications, polled more than 2.000 UK consumers on awareness and concerns around innovation and competition. UK as a hub for innovation The results of the study show that consumers are concerned about the [...]

ACT | The App Association Asks the United States Department of Justice to Rethink Support for Misguided Legislation to Dismantle Privacy and Security Measures in the Mobile Ecosystem

Today, the Department of Justice expressed support for the “goals” of the American Innovation and Choice Online Act (S. 2992) and the American Innovation and Choice Online Act (H.R. 3816).  ACT| The App Association cautions against supporting measures like S. 2992 and H.R. 3816, which would dismantle the platform framework small app companies leverage to reach millions of consumers and clients across the globe. Notably, the Department’s letter cautiously refers to the bills’ proposed benefits as “ha[ving] the potential to” [...]

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