Morgan Reed2025-02-20T13:05:01-05:00Statement from ACT | The App Association on Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on “Children’s Safety in the Digital Era: Strengthening Protections and Addressing Legal Gaps”Morgan Reed2025-02-20T13:05:01-05:00February 20th, 2025|
Mike Sax2025-02-12T13:09:12-05:00Statement from ACT | The App Association founder Mike Sax on the European Commission’s decision to withdraw the proposed EU SEP RegulationMike Sax2025-02-12T13:09:12-05:00February 12th, 2025|
Stephen Tulip2025-01-24T12:35:12-05:00Statement from ACT | The App Association on the UK CMA’s Investigations of the Apple and Google Mobile EcosystemsStephen Tulip2025-01-24T12:35:12-05:00January 24th, 2025|
Morgan Reed2024-12-05T15:57:52-05:00ACT | The App Association Files Amicus Brief in Epic v. Google Case in Support of Google’s AppealMorgan Reed2024-12-05T15:57:52-05:00December 5th, 2024|
Morgan Reed2024-12-04T10:38:16-05:00Statement from ACT | The App Association on the Introduction of the Promoting US leadership in Standards Act in the HouseMorgan Reed2024-12-04T10:38:16-05:00December 4th, 2024|
Morgan Reed2024-12-05T09:27:58-05:00Statement On Decision from Brazil’s Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE) On In-App PurchasesMorgan Reed2024-12-05T09:27:58-05:00November 22nd, 2024|
Morgan Reed2024-11-21T18:04:15-05:00Statement from ACT | The App Association on the DoJ’s Proposed Remedies in its Case Against GoogleMorgan Reed2024-11-21T18:04:15-05:00November 21st, 2024|
Morgan Reed2024-11-21T16:49:51-05:00On the potential introduction of federal legislation to mandate app store-level age verification, ACT | The App Association issued the following statement:Morgan Reed2024-11-21T16:49:51-05:00November 21st, 2024|
Morgan Reed2024-11-07T14:04:56-05:00Statement from ACT | The App Association On the 2024 ElectionMorgan Reed2024-11-07T14:04:56-05:00November 7th, 2024|
Morgan Reed2024-10-29T15:39:32-04:00Statement from ACT | The App Association on Federal Circuit Appeals Decision in Ericsson v Lenovo on Standard Essential Patents (SEPs)Morgan Reed2024-10-29T15:39:32-04:00October 24th, 2024|
Morgan Reed2024-10-29T15:28:05-04:00ACT | The App Association Files Amicus Brief in Epic v. Google Urging a Stay of Injunction Until Appeal DecidedMorgan Reed2024-10-29T15:28:05-04:00October 24th, 2024|
Morgan Reed2024-10-29T15:28:30-04:00Statement from ACT | The App Association On the Brazilian Government’s Released Digital Platform ReportMorgan Reed2024-10-29T15:28:30-04:00October 11th, 2024|
Morgan Reed2024-10-29T15:28:57-04:00Statement from ACT | The App Association on the European Commission’s First Released Adequacy Decision on the EU-U.S. Data Privacy FrameworkMorgan Reed2024-10-29T15:28:57-04:00October 11th, 2024|
Morgan Reed2024-10-29T15:29:25-04:00Statement from ACT | The App Association on the Australian Government’s Announced Merger Review ReformMorgan Reed2024-10-29T15:29:25-04:00October 11th, 2024|
Morgan Reed2024-10-11T12:10:15-04:00Statement from ACT | The App Association On the Federal Trade Commission’s Hart-Scott-Rodino RuleMorgan Reed2024-10-11T12:10:15-04:00October 11th, 2024|
Stephen Tulip2024-10-03T10:13:35-04:00Statement from ACT | The App Association UK Country Manager Stephen Tulip regarding the UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA)’s decision on Amazon’s £3 billion investment into AnthropicStephen Tulip2024-10-03T10:13:35-04:00October 3rd, 2024|
Morgan Reed2024-09-17T20:26:28-04:00Statement of Morgan Reed, President, ACT | The App AssociationMorgan Reed2024-09-17T20:26:28-04:00September 17th, 2024|
Mike Sax2024-09-11T09:23:47-04:00Statement from Mike Sax, founder of ACT | The App Association, on Mr. Draghi’s speech and report on “Unveiling Strategies for Europe’s Future Competitiveness”Mike Sax2024-09-11T09:23:47-04:00September 11th, 2024|
Mike Sax2024-09-04T04:12:52-04:00Statement from ACT founder Mike Sax on the CJEU Ruling in the Illumina/GRAIL Appeal Case – September 3rd, 2024Mike Sax2024-09-04T04:12:52-04:00September 3rd, 2024|
Morgan Reed2024-08-21T10:48:43-04:00Statement from ACT President Morgan Reed on NSF AI Education Act and Small Business AI Advancement Act (House Versions)Morgan Reed2024-08-21T10:48:43-04:00August 21st, 2024|
Morgan Reed2024-07-12T14:15:30-04:00Statement from ACT President Morgan Reed on Expanding Partnerships for Innovation and Competitiveness Act (Senate Version)Morgan Reed2024-07-12T14:15:30-04:00July 12th, 2024|
Morgan Reed2024-06-21T07:46:00-04:00Statement by ACT | The App Association on Canada Digital Service Tax AdoptionMorgan Reed2024-06-21T07:46:00-04:00June 21st, 2024|
Morgan Reed2024-06-07T15:42:30-04:00Statement from ACT President Morgan Reed on Expanding Partnerships for Innovation and Competitiveness ActMorgan Reed2024-06-07T15:42:30-04:00June 7th, 2024|
Morgan Reed2024-05-23T16:10:38-04:00The Booksellers’ Motion in FTC v. Amazon Highlights the FTC’s Anti-Small Business Antitrust ActivityMorgan Reed2024-05-23T16:10:38-04:00May 23rd, 2024|
Morgan Reed2024-05-22T17:34:26-04:00Ahead of Thursday’s Scheduled Markup of the American Privacy Rights Act of 2024, ACT | The App Association Calls for Increased Protections for Small BusinessesMorgan Reed2024-05-22T17:34:26-04:00May 22nd, 2024|