
ACT Reply Comments on COPPA Rule Review 2012

Reply comments by ACT regarding FTC notice of proposed rulemaking regarding COPPA [pl_button type="info" link="http://actonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/ACT-FTC-COPPA-S-NPRM-copy.pdf" target="blank"]Read Full Comments[/pl_button]

Incent to Invent

Ivan Pavlov wrote “It is not accidental that all phenomena of human life are dominated by the search for daily bread.” It has long been the case that people and, [...]

ACT Launches App Trust Project

The Association for Competitive Technology is launching a new developer resource, the ACT App Trust Project. This is a community-led effort to create new solutions and best practices for building [...]

It Can Wait Hackathon

Tomorrow night is the AT&T It Can Wait hackathon in Santa Monica, California. AT&T is sponsoring this event to discourage texting while driving to reduce distractions and make us better [...]

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