
Statement from ACT President Morgan Reed on Expanding Partnerships for Innovation and Competitiveness Act (Senate Version)

WASHINGTON – ACT | The App Association today released the following statement from president Morgan Reed after Senators Chris Coons, Todd Young, John Hickenlooper, and Deb Fischer introduced the Expanding Partnerships for Innovation and Competitiveness (EPIC) Act on July 9, 2024. “As small businesses in the app economy, ACT | The App Association’s members have a comparative advantage in agility over their larger counterparts. They are leading the way in developing, adapting, and deploying artificial intelligence (AI) tools across virtually [...]

The EU’s AI Act Unpacked: What’s in It for SMEs?

For developers working with artificial intelligence (AI), the recent finalisation of the European Union (EU) AI Act brings a mix of opportunities and challenges. As the EU prepares to implement the new AI Act, it's crucial for app developers and policymakers alike to grasp the real-life implications of the law. ACT | The App Association has been a key player in the ongoing discourse on AI for several years. Our advocacy for balanced, flexible, and forward-thinking policies that foster innovation [...]

Decoding SEP Licensing: How Mergers are a Natural Pathway for IoT Growth

The digital marketplace is a crucial global economic driver, with digitalization poised to add $100 trillion in additional value to the world economy by 2025. Central to this transformation is the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. The widespread adoption of AI and IoT drives innovation and creates business opportunities for entities looking to invest in micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). In this hyper-connected era, investing in and integrating connected devices and systems is vital [...]

Balancing Innovation and Regulation: The Impact of the EU Regulatory Environment on SMEs

Apple, Google, and other industry leaders have recently announced that several of their highly anticipated AI-driven features will not be available to their European Union (EU) customers at launch due to concerns around the implementation of the Digital Markets Act (DMA) and the General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR). Their announcements underscore a critical issue facing policymakers regulating the digital economy: finding the right balance between regulation and innovation. As policymakers navigate this complex landscape, it's essential to consider how regulations designed [...]

Tech Innovation and the Hungarian Presidency: A Vision for the EU

Hungary’s tech startup scene stands out in the EU for several reasons, including its significantly lower cost of operational expenses, highly skilled workforce, and proactive government support through tax incentives and streamlined regulations. In light of the positive impact of the policies that established Hungary as one of the EU's most thriving tech hubs, we hope to see similar strategies and policies implemented on a broader scale as Hungary takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. [...]

For Small Biz in the USA, AICOA is DMA (and DOA)

As we celebrate American independence this week, a small cadre in Congress is set to reintroduce a European-style legal framework, the American Innovation and Competition Online Act (AICOA). According to the bill’s authors, AICOA is the American version of Europe’s own Digital Markets Act (DMA). Along with this development come the old fears that government may squash (or at least seriously undermine) the best global distribution options American small companies have today. European regulators, competitors, and consumers are learning the [...]

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