
Talent Hubs and Tech Hubs: Settling the Chicken-and-Egg Debate

In the world of economic development and innovation, the relationship between talent hubs and tech hubs is often likened to the age-old question of the chicken and the egg. Which should come first: the talent that fuels technological innovation or the tech ecosystem that attracts and nurtures the talent? Unlike the chicken and egg conundrum, we can settle this debate here and now: talent hubs must come first, and they are a necessary precondition for the development of tech hubs. [...]

Safeguarding Innovation: IP Concerns and the DMA

As the European Commission continues implementation of the Digital Markets Act (DMA), small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the app economy face new challenges and risks. Recently, members of ACT | The App Association met with the Commission to express deep concerns over potential intellectual property (IP) protection risks under the DMA’s rules. Highlighting the need to maintain current IP protections, our members emphasised developers' vulnerability in a rapidly changing marketplace structure and discussed how digital platforms could enhance their [...]

Death by a Thousand Cuts: State Privacy, Digital Ad Taxes, Limits on Acquisitions, and Other Growth Killers

Reasonable tax rates, access to data, and the ability to raise capital are all necessary conditions for the creation and growth of small companies in the app economy. These companies, in turn, provide both the foundations for and novel adaptations of the artificial intelligence (AI)-driven tools of the future. What policymakers should know is how the costs of their proposals add up for small companies, increasing barriers to entry and siphoning resources away from product development and toward compliance. Emblematic [...]

Statement from ACT President Morgan Reed on Expanding Partnerships for Innovation and Competitiveness Act

WASHINGTON – ACT | The App Association today released the following statement from President Morgan Reed after Rep. Haley Stevens released the draft Expanding Partnerships for Innovation and Competitiveness Act. “As small businesses in the app economy, ACT | The App Association’s members have a comparative advantage in agility over their larger counterparts. They are leading the way in developing, adapting, and deploying artificial intelligence (AI) tools across virtually all industries. Robust standards create a stable foundation that enables small [...]

CEN/CENLEC 95000: A Guide to Developing an Equitable Standard-Essential Patent Landscape

Decades of standard-essential patent (SEP) licensing abuse led a cross-section of technology standards participants and their representatives, including the ACT | The App Association, to draft the CEN/CENLEC 95000 Workshop Agreement: Core Principles and Approaches for Licensing of Standard Essential Patents (CWA 95000). This detailed guide is a foundational document for policymakers to establish a healthy SEP licensing ecosystem at the outset or ameliorate the stifling of their standardized innovation landscape. The Purpose: Technology Standards Technology standards provide an alternative [...]

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