
App Makers Tour of Europe – Italy

On 4 October, ACT | The App Association continued its App Makers Tour of Europe in Italy. Our webinar on the impact of the Digital Markets Act (DMA) brought together app developers, policymakers, and academics. The panellists discussed the realities of the Italian digital ecosystem and the particular implications of the DMA on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The panel was composed of: Brando Benifei, Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Francesco Ronchi, CEO and Founder of Synesthesia Mario Siragusa, [...]

Member Spotlight: The Roomies

Searching for a place to live is often stressful – especially when it comes to cohousing. Finding a room that you like, in a good location, and with roommates that you enjoy spending time with can be tough. That’s where The Roomies comes in – the Belgian cohousing site collects and displays all cohousing posts in Belgium in one spot! ‘Cohousing is a trendy way of living together where it is important that everyone feels at home. However, when I [...]

The Great Manipulation: Are Dark Patterns Leading Congress to Help its Biggest Targets?

Congress is once again focusing on how social media companies are possibly manipulating consumers thanks to a new cadre of serious documented consequences. So, it is especially frustrating that the most vocal policymakers seem to be coalescing around a solution to these problems that actually helps the business models that depend on social manipulation. To be clear, policymakers’ concerns are well founded, and we understand congressional leaders’ desire to act. But, far from cracking down on the business models that [...]

Event Recap: Can Injunctions be Fair, Reasonable, and Non-Discriminatory?

Part one of the webinar series: A new framework for standard-essential patents (SEPs) On 27 September 2021, ACT | the App Association held the first in a series of public events covering fundamental standard-essential patent (SEP) licensing legal and policy issues that impact the ability of European small businesses to innovate and compete in internet of things (IoT) markets and will only increasingly do so. This inaugural event focused on injunctions and explored whether this legal measure constitutes a part [...]

Event: Workshop on Key FRAND and Standard-Essential Patents, Licensing Issues

ACT | The App Association and the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) will host a joint webinar to discuss key FRAND and standard-essential patents (SEPs) issues on Friday, 22 October 2021. Please note this webinar will take place at 3:30 pm Indian time (UTC+05:30). This workshop will bring together legal experts and other stakeholders in the Indian and international intellectual property community for an in-depth discussion of issues affecting the licensing of SEPs. To see the agenda, click here and register [...]

ACT | The App Association and Other Leading Groups Detail SEP Licensing Policy Priorities and Actions in Memo to Biden-Harris Administration

Prior to taking office on January 20, President Joseph Biden outlined a strategy and vision for economic growth in the United States centered around a manufacturing future that is “Made in All of America.” In response to this strategy, ACT | The App Association along with Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA), High Tech Inventors Alliance (HTIA), Fair Standards Alliance (FSA), Public Knowledge, and Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) sent a memo urging the incoming administration to ensure American [...]

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