
New Study: Does Patent Monetization Promote SSO Participation?

A new study from Timothy Simcoe and Qing Zhang examines the impact of Standard Setting Organization (SSO) intellectual property rights (IPR) policies on standardization and innovation. The authors "interpret these findings as evidence that any link between IPR policies, innovation, and SSO participation is much weaker than purely theoretical arguments to the contrary often suggest." Read the study here.

Year in Review: EU & UK Member Spotlights 2021

ACT | The App Association exists to support our members’ growth by advocating for an environment that inspires and rewards innovation. We help our members navigate regulatory environments and provide them with resources to leverage their intellectual assets to raise capital, create jobs, and continue innovating. 2021 certainly came with its challenges but also brought about an unprecedented increase in the use of digital tools, apps, and connected devices. The innovations of the past year opened doors and created new [...]

Security and Trust from an App Maker’s Point of View: A whitepaper on security and trust in the app ecosystem

In just 14 short years, the app economy emerged out of nowhere to become an €830 billion ecosystem. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the app economy thrived and played a key role in sustaining our work, studies, and daily lives. In particular, small app development companies, like ACT | The App Association members, drive the app economy and advance innovation every day. This whitepaper discusses the importance of security safeguards on software distribution platforms and the role such platforms play in [...]

How Government Restrictions on Platform Privacy Measures Could Harm Small App Developers

As we begin to look back and take stock of 2021, certainly one of the key themes in the technology policy space is the rapid convergence of the competition and privacy policy areas. Lawmakers in a handful of states, key committees in Congress, and policymakers around the world are taking a closer look at the relationship between large digital platforms’ market power and consumer outcomes on privacy, resulting in a wide range of policy solutions that attempt to balance both [...]

HIPAA is So Hot Right Now, But Do You Really Know What It Does?

You may not have a close, personal relationship with a federal law but for me, HIPAA holds a special place in my life. With two parents in the healthcare tech field, a quick stint in the world of electronic medical record implementation, and a few years focused on privacy in my early days here at ACT | The App Association, HIPAA is something I talked about A LOT, thought about A LOT, and had to clarify A LOT. So, you [...]

App Makers Tour of Europe – Nordics

8 December @14h30 CET – online Register here! Throughout 2021, ACT | The App Association virtually visited several European countries on the App Makers Tour of Europe. After Romania, Germany, France, Italy, and Spain, our last edition of the tour will visit the Nordics! Join us for an open conversation about the functioning of today’s app ecosystem with local app developers and policymakers. Our members will share their on-the-ground experience and their perspectives on the regulation of online platforms. This [...]

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