4/27/2023–Consumer Privacy Expert Morgan Reed Recommends to Congress to Implement Comprehensive Privacy Law
Today, Morgan Reed, president of ACT| The App Association, testified in front of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Innovation, Data, and Commerce on the privacy risks and benefits of activities related to the collection and processing of consumer data adjacent to the sector-specific federal privacy frameworks. The App Association represents an ecosystem valued at approximately $1.8 trillion and supports 6 million American jobs. Members of the association lead the way in solving problems and protecting privacy [...]
4/27/2023-Statement from Mike Sax, founder and chairperson of ACT | The App Association, on the European Commission announcement regarding the licensing of standard-essential patents (SEPs) under fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory (FRAND) terms
The App Association welcomes the European Commission’s efforts to improve transparency in the system for licensing standard-essential patents (SEPs) and for its recognition of the central role small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and startups play in the innovation process and the development of the European economy. A SEP licensing ecosystem with increased transparency, predictability, and efficiency is a prerequisite to improving the competitiveness of EU businesses, especially for SMEs. While today’s announcement reflects a clear concern by the Commission to [...]
Inequitable Earth: How Green Tech Can Empower Everyone
Since 1990, Earth Day has been a global celebration focused on treating our shared home with respect and taking climate action for future generations. Earth is not just a floating rock, after all – it’s the home to humans, wildlife, plants, and millions of integral parts of our shared ecosystem. Sadly, over the course of modern civilization, it hasn’t been treated with much respect, which is why every April 22nd we come together to recognize Earth Day. Climate change affects [...]
Beyond the Hype: Unpacking the Tech Trends of SXSW and NOEW
Every year, hundreds of tech conferences take place all over the world to host the app economy’s brightest minds in one shared space to uncover the latest trends in tech and culture, and how the two work (or clash) together. This March, I (Caitlin Irr, global membership communications manager here at ACT | The App Association) had the privilege of attending not one, but two of these amazing events to [...]