Recognizing the Diverse Experiences of Asian Americans in STEM and STEAM Careers
Asian Americans are identified as one of the most represented demographics in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (STEAM) workforce. But the term “Asian American” masks the identity, diversity, and disparities of an estimated 24 million people from East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and even the Pacific Islands. These individuals make up the most economically diverse group in the United States. One of the most harmful generalizations of Asian Americans is [...]
Landmark Court Case in UK Highlights SEP Abuses of SMEs
A recent high-profile court decision from the United Kingdom (UK) shines light on a common abusive standard-essential patent (SEP) licensing tactic that has impeded internet of things (IoT) innovation for years. This case, involving a dispute between InterDigital Technology Corporation (IDC) and Lenovo Group Limited (Lenovo), seemingly has little to do with small businesses but reveals, and provides important context around, SEP licensing abuse that ACT | The App Association members innovating on standardized technology have long experienced. For context, [...]
The Antitrust Bills are Still Consumer Protection’s Worst Enemy
The case against the Open App Markets Act (OAMA) and American Innovation and Choice Act (AICOA) continues to build as conflicts emerge between those bills and the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC’s) “click to cancel” rule. This awkwardness is just the latest example of how AICOA and OAMA would gut private sector and government consumer protection efforts. The “click to cancel” proposal—also referred to as the “negative option” rule—has some problems. In the process of seeking to eliminate unfair or deceptive [...]
Event Recap: SME Tech Showcase – How effective standards policy can boost innovation
Small, innovative technology businesses are crucial to the UK’s ambition of becoming a science and technology superpower by 2030. Many of these companies rely on standards and standard-essential patents (SEPs) to develop exciting new products that connect to the world around them as part of the internet of things (IoT). To demonstrate the importance of standards and SEPs to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), ACT | The App Association recently hosted ‘SME Tech Showcase – How effective standards policy can [...]
How Not to Negotiate a Trade Agreement
In policymaking circles, many of us have heard allies caution against giving up too easily, saying, “let’s not negotiate with ourselves.” Unfortunately, when it comes to advancing America’s own tech-driven industries, we find Members of Congress asking trade officials to do just that. In a letter last month, a group of legislators led by Sen. Elizabeth Warren sent a letter to the United States Trade Representative (USTR) and the Secretary of Commerce arguing that a trade framework should not include [...]