Understanding the UK’s Online Safety Bill
In an attempt to crack down on illegal content and minimise the likelihood that users will encounter harmful or age-inappropriate online posts, the UK Parliament drafted a piece of legislation called the Online Safety Bill (OSB). Unfortunately, what once started as a bill to protect people from violent or dangerous content on the internet has now turned into a 'catchallfor UK internet regulation’ that has the potential to be altered if there is a change in government. Encryption elimiNATION The [...]
Ecodesigning a Better Future: Part Two
Earlier this summer, the European Parliament (EP) voted to roll back some concerning amendments that had been included in the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (AKA the New EcodesignRegulation). On 12 July, the European Parliament voted on its final position of the regulation, and while the removal of the amendments is permanent, some last-minute compromise amendments were added to the final positions that have been included in the final text. Compromise amendments and developer impact Amendment Impact Article 5a (new) [...]
The Costs of Making Way for DMA-Event Recap
On July 18, we hosted an event, “The Costs of Making Way for DMA,” where experts highlighted the implications for American national security, privacy, and economic growth if countries around the world follow Europe’s lead in regulating American online marketplaces. Non-discrimination rules in trade agreements are a cornerstone of continued free trade and innovation. Laws like the European Union’s (EU’s) Digital Markets Act (DMA) and Digital Services Act (DSA) are examples of sweeping regulatory frameworks that could undermine the non-discrimination [...]
Bridging the Atlantic: A Small Business Guide to Self-Certify under the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework
On July 10, 2023, the European Commission implemented an adequacy decision regarding the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (DPF), which is a self-certification program that seeks to ease the transfers of personal data from the EU to the United States and allow companies to streamline their compliance with EU data flow restrictions. American companies that have undergone the DPF certification process will be able to import personal data from the EU and European Economic Area (EEA) into the United States without [...]
American Small Business Success Relies on Growth Options, Not Limitations: Statement on FTC/DOJ Proposed Merger Guidelines
For the more than 33.2 million startups or small businesses operating in the United States, success means the ability to explore various acquisition avenues that can enhance products and streamline market entry. Options empower our economy, and limiting choices for small businesses to explore a strategic acquisition or merger would limit possibilities for our nation’s innovators and consumers. At ACT | The App Association, our members have always embraced the idea that once their innovative concepts materialize, acquisition becomes a [...]