Checklist For Financial and Retail App Designs
Consumers need to trust the integrity of an app before they hand over their financial information. It’s essential that you earn that trust by safeguarding their data. As you write your privacy policy, consider the following:
Does your app significantly engage in financial activities (banking, insurance, payment settlement services, credit counseling, etc.)?
Do your consumers have the option to opt in or out of various features, including advertising?
Does your privacy policy include an overview of your partners, third party contractors, and/or affiliate marketing services, and how they can access and/or use your consumers’ data?
Have you reviewed the Privacy of Consumer Financial Information Rule of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and taken steps to determine whether your company is covered by the privacy rules?
Does your app gather and evaluate personal information for the purposes of creating a consumer report for third parties for a fee?
Have you reviewed the Privacy Notice Online Form Builder to make sure you have covered all the required items in your privacy policy?