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December 16, 2009

From Pac-Man to Realistic Men: New ACT Paper on Software Creation Through Processor Innovation

By |December 15th, 2009|Categories: Blog, Innovation and IP|Tags: |

In a new paper, we highlight how software developers and computer chip makers increasingly depend on one another for better products. This symbiotic hardware/software relationship is crucial for the sort of exponential innovation we've grown accustomed to in the IT industry. And it is something ACT recently highlighted in a letter to the FTC signed by 37 software developers.

One Step Closer to a Single European Patent System

By |December 9th, 2009|Categories: Blog, Innovation and IP, Patents|Tags: |

The Swedish Presidency announced last week that the EU Patent System was one step closer. We are of course very pleased to see that the dossier is moving forward; and we have continuously praised the Swedish Presidency for their great efforts. A good patent protection is essential to achieving the levels of innovation that European SMEs deserve.

Obama Administration Announces Open Government Directive

By |December 8th, 2009|Categories: Blog, Uncategorized|

Today, the Obama administration announced an ambitious new directive for improving transparency and openness in government practices - and the role technology can play in improving access to information. ACT fully supports the administration's move to clarify the rules for agencies, and set up clear plans and timelines, and was please to see some of our "best practices" make it into the directive.

Thoughts on the CrunchPad Saga

By |December 2nd, 2009|Categories: Blog, Uncategorized|

Earlier this week, influential tech blogger and aspiring cool product entrepreneur Michael Arrington announced that the eagerly anticipated CrunchPad was stillborn. While we will have to wait for more information to know the real story behind the dispute behind Arrington's company TechCrunch and its partner in the venture, Fusion Garage, there are some interesting issues raised by what Arrington has so far revealed.

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