Checklist for apps that are made for children
- Apps directed to children must take extra consideration and care for minors’ personal information. If your app’s target audience includes children under 13 years old, it’s important you understand and comply with the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) Children’s Online Privacy and Protection Act (COPPA). Your privacy policy should consider the following:
Does your app contain links that can lead a child to a website, platform, or ad outside of your app? Does your app contain social media integration or advertising? If so, have you integrated them with a child audience in mind?
Is an overview of your privacy policy or data collection practices included in your app store description(s), so consumers have a clear understanding of how your app works before they download it?
Have you reviewed COPPA and the COPPA FAQs to help evaluate whether your apps meet the regulations?
Have you read the privacy policies of any third party services or plug-ins included in your app? Are you confident that they are treating your consumers’ data in a COPPA-compliant fashion?
Is your app being used by an educational institution that receives federal funding (subject to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act [FERPA])?