
ACT Testimony on HR 4678

Honorable Edolphus Towns, Ranking Member Energy and Commerce Committee Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection Subcommittee The Association for Competitive Technology (ACT) submits the following views on H.R. 4678. ACT represents [...]

Comments on the Online Personal Privacy Act

The Association for Competitive Technology (ACT) submits the following comments on S.2201. Representing mostly small and mid-sized companies, ACT is the industry's strongest voice when it comes to preserving competition [...]

ACT Policy Brief: Spectrum Reform

Spectrum Allocation Reform To "Wire" American Consumers By "Unwiring" Them "Silent Cal Coolidge" policy silenced new communications products and services. Parsing of the airwaves began in 1927 with the establishment [...]

ACT Policy Brief: Piracy & DRM

Digital Rights Management (DRM): Whose rights are being managed? (revisited) Unstoppable market forces will drive digital rights management. Consumers worldwide are buying more blank CDs and less recorded music, pushing [...]

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