
31 January: Five Stories You Need to Read

Slashdot reports that "Microsoft beat out Johnson & Johnson for the top spot in the annual Wall Street Journal survey of the reputations of U.S. companies.” According to CNetNews.com, “Google, [...]

30 January – Five Stories You Need to Read

CNetNews.com reports that “[p]hishing attacks have outnumbered e-mails infected with viruses and Trojan horse programs for the first time, according to security experts.” According to another CNetNews.com story, "[a] month [...]

25 January – Five Stories You Need to Read

The Register reports that “[t]he Netherlands has joined Scandinavian led action against Apple's digital rights management lock on its iPod device and iTunes software.” In an unrelated story, The Register [...]

24 January – Five Stories You Need to Read

Yahoo!News reports that “[o]n Tuesday, rivals Microsoft and OpenOffice.org both released toolkits that support building applications for their competing document file formats and productivity suites.” According to The Register, “Oracle [...]

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