
This Week In Antitrust

Here is the second in a series of weekly round ups of the tech industry's various antitrust cases and "potential" antitrust concerns. Recent antitrust news has increasingly focused on European Union moves to curb [...]

The New Question is: who DOESN’T have a new CPU?

A while back we did a paper looking at the CPU marketplace and how new chips help to foster new software sales. A chart from Gizmodo sums up one of our points: Every chip manufacturer is playing in the iPad/Slate/tablet game.

Principles vs. protection – Hillary Clinton on Internet Freedom

Yesterday, I attended Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s policy address on Internet Freedom at the Newseum in Washington, DC. I wanted to know from the Secretary what the State Department would do to help a U.S. tech company with a subsidiary in China whose employees are being taken to jail and whose equipment is being hauled away because the company refuses to give information about its users to the Chinese government.

The Unfortunate Irony of Yesterday’s FTC Lawsuit Against Intel

As most readers know by now, the Federal Trade Commission ignored the pleas of ACT and 37 member companies for caution, and filed a lawsuit against Intel yesterday charging that the company has abused its dominant position in the computer chip market. What you may have missed yesterday, however, is the rather ironically timed announcement from the Obama administration that it is launching new policies to spur more manufacturing it the United States.

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