
ACT Reply Comments on COPPA Rule Review 2011

Reply comments by ACT regarding FTC notice of proposed rulemaking regarding COPPA [pl_button type="info" link="http://actonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/COPPA-NPRM-of-ACT-2011-copy.pdf" target="blank"]Read Full Comments[/pl_button]

One Million Mobile Apps and Counting

Earlier this month, the total number of apps available in mobile marketplaces topped one million. Consumers now are able to easily find the nearest artisan cheese shop, play word games [...]

ACT Identifies Changes for SOPA/OPEDTA

ACT reached out to Capitol Hill today to highlight improvements in the latest version of Rogue Website legislation while outlining the remaining concerns we have with the existing draft scheduled [...]

ACT Calls for Changes to SOPA

The Association for Competitive Technology has long supported the protection of intellectual property as a critical element of small business. Representing over 4,000 small business software developers we understand the [...]

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