
Comments to ICANN: Mitigating Domain Name Collision Risks

ACT comments to ICANN regarding ways to mitigate name collision risks [pl_button type="info" link="http://actonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/ACT-ICANN-Name-Collision-Comment-Final-copy.pdf" target="blank"]Read Full Comments[/pl_button]

App Store after Five Years

As Apple marks the fifth anniversary of the App Store, we decided to revisit our 2012 study, Apps Across America, a report originally requested by the House Energy and Commerce [...]

ACT Reply to Comments Regarding GAC Safeguards Advice

Reply comments from ACT regarding how the New gTLD Board Committee should consider the GAC Safeguard Advice [pl_button type="info" link="http://actonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/ACT-GAC-Reply-copy.pdf" target="blank"]Read Full Reply[/pl_button]

Comments to the PTO regarding quality software-related patents

Comments from ACT to the USPTO regarding software-related patents and ways to improve quality [pl_button type="info" link="http://actonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/PTO-Roundtable-Comments-Draft-Final-Amended-copy.pdf" target="blank"]Read Full Comments[/pl_button]

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