
Comments to FTC on Mobile Security

Letter from ACT members to the Federal Trade Commission regarding Mobile Security Project, Project No.P145408 [pl_button type="info" link="http://actonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/ACT-Comments-to-the-FTC-on-Mobile-Security-Final.pdf" target="blank"]Read Full Comments[/pl_button]

Senate Shelves Patent Reform

ACT | The App Association is disappointed with the news that patent reform is no longer on the Senate agenda. It is regrettable that the inability of Congress to advance widely [...]

FCC Spectrum Decision Good for App Makers

Today’s FCC passage of the Incentive Auction Report and Order will lay the groundwork for the app industry to continue its remarkable growth. ACT | The App Association is pleased that [...]

5 Things Moms Need to Know about Apps

With Mothers Day approaching, the team at ACT | The App Association has outlined Five Things moms should know about children’s apps. With so many choices in the app store, it [...]

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