Yahoo!News writes that Apple “CEO Steve Jobs and other Apple execs

[are] facing a New Year’s hangover of antitrust lawsuits, software holes, and a nagging SEC investigation into stock-option irregularities” which together “threaten to undermine longtime strengths for the company.”

According to, “VeriSign and Adobe Systems will collaborate on integrating Adobe Flash technologies with VeriSign’s recently introduced peer-assisted content distribution technology, setting a new standard in the delivery of high-quality video content”.

In an unrelated article, points out that “Kaj Arno, MySQL vice president of community relations, quietly revealed on his blog before Christmas that MySQL has changed its license to ‘GPL2 Only’”.

Slashdot writes that "[t]he contract between ICANN & ICM Registry has just been revised for procedures on using the .XXX TLD”.

The Register reports that according to Nominet, the .uk domain name registry, “[t]he rulebook used in most disputes over .uk domain names is out of date”.  Nominet’s “suggestions for revision include the introduction of a financial deterrent against cybersquatting.”